Friday, August 27, 2010

Many people ask me why I chose Pediatrics. I have standard answers, depending on the questioner:

"Adults are icky. They smell. "
"Because if you save a child's life, you will get a Christmas card from their family forever."
"Because I still get to play with toys and watch cartoons and call it 'research'."

But, by far, the best thing about taking care of children is their simplicity. When I go to the nursery to see a newborn, there is something very zen about the fact that this tiny person is, for the moment, unblemished. They don't have fear or anxiety. They eat without worrying if it's going to make them fat. They take pure joy in sleep and do it as much as possible. The world has not caught up with them, making them angry, bitter, or cynical.

I am a part of that joy. When I tell a mother, "your baby looks wonderful," there is utter happiness. It's a privilege.

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